Hello World

1 Jun 2020

1 Jun 2020

I’ve wanted to write in public for a long time. It has featured in my yearly goals since 2015. But each year it got squeezed out by work, travelling, renovating a house or starting a family. Anyway, I’m here and I’m quietly making a start.

Why now? Over the last few months I’ve been inspired by the digital gardens created by Anne-Laure Le CunffMaggie Appletonand Andy Matuschak. A digital garden encourages the idea of writing in the open, publishing less polished notes, and tending to them over time. And I like that idea a lot.

It’s a place for me to collect and refine ideas, work and learnings so that they become more useful over time rather than getting lost in a jumble of meeting notes, to-do lists, journal entries and fragments of ideas.

It’s also a sneaky way of tricking myself into creating more than I consume. Scrolling twitter and saving articles to Instapaper feels like I’m learning, but actually I’m not learning much at all. Because as Andy Matuschak says, collecting material feels more useful than it usually is.

So, here I am — 4 month old baby in my left arm, typing with my right hand, saying, “hello world” 👋

I’d love to chat

Hire me

If you’d like to work together, I am curently open to permanent and contract positions.


This site was designed by Peter Reaper-Reynolds and built in Framer. Type is set in the very lovely GT Flexa.

Get in touch

Drop me a note hi@pete.studio

Follow me on twitter @petermcreaper

Connect on Linkedin

©️ 2022 Peter Reaper-Reynolds

I’d love to chat

Hire me

If you’d like to work together, I am curently open to permanent and contract positions.


This site was designed by Peter Reaper-Reynolds and built in Framer. Type is set in the very lovely GT Flexa.

Get in touch

Drop me a note hi@pete.studio

Follow me on twitter @petermcreaper

Connect on Linkedin

©️ 2022 Peter Reaper-Reynolds

I’d love to chat

Hire me

If you’d like to work together, I am curently open to permanent and contract positions.


This site was designed by Peter Reaper-Reynolds and built in Framer. Type is set in the very lovely GT Flexa.

Get in touch

Drop me a note hi@pete.studio

Follow me on twitter @petermcreaper

Connect on Linkedin

©️ 2022 Peter Reaper-Reynolds